Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Horizons

How many times have I restarted this blog page? I've lost count. But one thing I know for sure is this: the older I get, the more I realize that I need to follow through on things and stick with them, irregardless the outcome.

So begins a new chapter, a fresh revamp, and a stronger resolve to do what I should've done for almost a year now.

So, to preface, a little information about me. Single, disease free, (wink, wink!) divorced for almost a year now, lives with grandmother, educated, hard working, and generally a nice guy.

Last year everyting seemed to be going my way. I had two homes, a cool car, and was just finishing school and ready to reenter the workforce after helping to put my then wife through Texas Tech's pharmacy program. We seemed to have everything going for us. Then she asked for a divorce. After spending the latter half of my last semester homeless I moved back east to Florida and started driving a truck again after soon discovering that there's not much of a market for drafters in an economy that's no longer building homes. At first, understandably, I was crushed. But as time passed I began to realize that it wasn't her that I missed so much, but rather my routine that was so missing in my life.

So now I find myself at another crossroads. I am tired of driving a truck cross country. I feel as though I am spinning my wheels and while the money is pretty good, it affords me little free time time to pursue a "respectable" career. Now, after much deliberation, I have decided that I will be striking out west in hopes of finding a better life for me.

At first my reservations were that of a parent. It almost seems irresponsible of me to pick up and leave without a gameplan, to strike out alone, toss caution to the wind. But, the more I consider it, the more I think it would be irresponsible of me not to do so. This part of Florida is heavily reliant on tourism for its economy and the jobs that are here are filled by people more qualified than I.

So, after wrestling with my own misgivings, I'm at peace with my decision and after saving for about a month and buying a new set of tires for my truck, I will find myself crossing two thousand miles, the Mojave desert, two mountain divides, and one very large milestone only to settle in the San Francisco bay area in hopes of a better life. Many have made the same journey before me and found fortune and while I'm not seeking fortune, I will find success in everything I do, as long as I follow through with my original intent.

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