Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wow!! How life throws me the curve balls. It's interesting to look back on my last post and see that I had planned to go to California and seek my fortune, whatever that may be. Now, a potential job offer in Amarillo, Texas of all places forces me to re-evaluate my idea of going to Cali.

Every day in life is a lesson to be learned. Today's was, as so many days before, was to never make plans and expect to stick to them. I can't recall how many times I've made a plan, said I was going to do this or that, only to get my whole world turned on its head.

So, life after Amarillo will involve Amarillo again?

Tentatively. Yes, so it would seem.

On another note, I found some tires and tomorrow I plan to go buy that kayak I've had my eye on and I plan to do a little camping this week. Yay for single life!!

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